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On December 3, 2008 the High Court of Mumbai pronounced the highly anticipated judgment of Vodafone International Holdings B.V. vs. Union of India. In this case, the Income Tax department issued a show-cause notice to the UK based...
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n a constant endeavor to help in the process of liberating the Indian economy and preparing the economy to face the brunt of economic downturn, the Reserve Bank of India (“RBI“) has been issuing a series of circulars...
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The recent Satyam saga, where the promoter chairman of the company admitted to manipulation of accounts, inflating sales and profit and cash balances, has triggered an enormous debate in corporate India about the significance of corporate governance. The...
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The Indian banking system has come a long way from archetypal commerce establishment to a highly proactive and dynamic entity. This transformation is the consequence of liberalization and economic reforms that allowed banks to explore new business opportunities...
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The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (the “Act”) governs the various provisions pertaining to lay-off of workmen. The scope of this Act is to achieve harmony between employers and workmen and promote economic and social justice, thereby, classifying the...
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